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  • I built a project and received a job offer !!

I built a project and received a job offer !!

here is the full story

I was unemployed.

After completing my master's degree, I found myself looking for a job in a tough market. It was a challenging time, and I began to feel hopeless about my prospects.

However, I didn’t let unemployment stop me from growing. I kept myself busy by building small projects, driven by my passion for learning and satisfaction. AI was booming, and since I was good at Python, I decided to dive into this exciting field.

As I explored AI, I built some cool projects, even though they seemed to go unnoticed at first. Then, last month, I shared a project I had completed over a weekend on Twitter. To my surprise, it gained significant traction.

The template I used was based on a new tech from a startup, and my project caught the attention of that company. I received a direct message from the founder, inviting me to discuss potential job opportunities.

This experience taught me that building tools and learning new skills can open doors in unexpected ways, beyond just applying for jobs.

I want to share this knowledge and strategy with everyone facing similar challenges. That’s why I’m conducting a live weekend workshop on how to build tools and successfully share them on Twitter to attract job opportunities. This is a fantastic chance for those tired of rejection emails and endless job applications.

Here’s the link to the workshop. It’s not free because acquiring these skills has been a significant investment for me, but I’m confident it will be worth it for you.

I’m excited to help and give back to the community. See you at the workshop. AI is booming, and now is the time to take advantage of this opportunity before it’s too late.